“The Certified Cancer Coach Training Program felt like a fleece-lined room that encapsulated me with warmth, attention, and love. It was a growth experience that didn’t involve pain; was a welcoming experience that taught me none of us is alone, no matter who or where we are in life; and was a learning experience unlike a typical classroom because I learned to articulate from my heart rather than my mind.

Keri and Shariann are the epitome of collaboration. Their combined strengths and values are the perfect formula for welcoming and holding their students delicately – in a way they’ve never been held before. This is all about my dream to console and comfort patients.”

Mary Jane H.

“Going through the training program allowed me to awaken to my “heart’s work.” As a professional coach, I felt that the CCCTP program added a new level of depth, empathy, and purpose to my work.

Not only will this program transform the lives of those that you serve, but it will also open yourself up to living from a place of purpose, awareness and passion.”

LeeAnn C.

I believe that this program is life changing. There is constant opportunity to use the skills and that makes this a living curriculum. These materials are not just for “those other people.” It includes all of us on this life journey – no matter where we are at any given time.

Shariann and Keri are the most generous and compassionate people I know. They not only have the coaching skills mastered, they are living examples and role models – makes one inspired to do this work. I am so grateful to have become certified and to have begun my coaching practice.

Judi V., Survivor

“The training to become a cancer coach through The Cancer Journey was much deeper and introspective than I could have imagined. My class came together as strangers from up and down the Mid-Atlantic states. Over the months of weekly teleseminars and practice sessions we got to know each other, and by our final weekend together we were like a family. Throughout the course we were challenged to dig deep into our souls and share, cry, and grow.

Now, as coaches, we are better prepared to hold our clients as they work through their own feelings. I am humbled by the work of a cancer coach, and I feel blessed that my trainers, mentors, and friends are Shariann and Keri. They are remarkable women who have put together a thorough, meaningful, and important program with a mission to educate coaches and send them out into their communities to help the many cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers move through their own cancer journey.”

Judy V.

This is a very experiential program that invites and supports you to dig deep into your own inherent strengths and power. By doing so, you not only facilitate change in others, but you yourself are changed for the better.

I developed a greater sense of what it means to be a coach and what coaching feels like from the inside-out and outside-in. I made some truly powerful connections with others as we learned and grew together. It has been life-changing.

Coaching is continuing to grow in popularity and becoming more the chosen path towards lasting change. I am so glad the tools of coaching have become adapted for those going through a cancer diagnosis. Shariann and Keri each embody such a breadth and depth of wisdom and compassion! I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have been a student and graduate of this incredible program – thank you for bringing it into the world!

Naomi H.

“The Panic to Powerful™ Cancer Coach Training is an incredible program. Having gone through the cancer experience as a patient and benefiting from having a Cancer Coach of my own, I know how powerful this service is. Now I have the skills to give back to others who are going through the same cancer journey.”

Leslie K., Survivor

“I approached the P2P Cancer Coach Training as professional development to enhance a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology and 16 years of experience and walked away both professionally and personally transformed.”

Wendy R., Survivor and Caregiver

“Each week through our teleconference course and coaching practice I have been continually challenged and delighted with what I learn about myself and others. It is my dream that every newly diagnosed cancer patient will be offered cancer coaching as part of his/her health care plan. I feel so blessed and privileged to be a part of this movement.”

Cindy B., Survivor

“I can finally give myself permission to be exactly who I am. This is one of the greatest gifts that I’ve received from the Panic to Powerful™ Cancer Coach Training, and the one I want to share with the people I work with. Shariann and Keri are two of the most loving, compassionate, and inspirational coaches I have ever worked with. I could not be more honored to have been a part of this group and this movement. Between their warmth, their expertise, and their passion for making a difference, they’ve helped me take my coaching to the next level, and for that, I thank them.”

Donnie H., Caregiver
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